

Home E Student Information Support E General Student Rights and Duties


St. Thomas University, Global American Learning NPO, recognizes and respects students’ rights which are the basis of the charter of services:

  1. RIGHT to quality education with high-profile faculty, effective teaching methods, and advanced technological infrastructure;
  2. RIGHT to be informed in a timely, complete, and up-to-date manner about everything related to the activities of the University and teaching in particular;
  3. RIGHT to access and use learning materials on the 24-hour learning platform;
  4. RIGHT to use administrative services during the hours established by St. Thomas University;
  5. RIGHT to be assisted in their educational journey by teachers and tutors by the established procedures and schedules;
  6. RIGHT to technical support provided by technical assistance;
  7. RIGHT to submit complaints and suggestions on any inefficiencies;
  8. RIGHT to confidentiality and protection of personal data by relevant laws. As an institution of higher learning, St. Thomas University:
    • GUARANTEES the right of all able and deserving students to achieve the highest level of education. The right to study is essential for all students. Students who are eligible for scholarships due to academic merit or financial need will be assisted in seeking financial assistance
    • ASSURES its students with the necessary conditions for developing their personality and civic knowledge. The right to participation, free expression, and cultural autonomy are recognized
    • GUARANTEES that students with disabilities will not be excluded from participation in any St. Thomas University program or activity as long as they meet the minimum course admission requirements
    • ASSURE its students with correct and timely information they may need to succeed in their academic endeavors.

Students must:

  1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to conscientiously strive to achieve the academic goals they have set for themselves. Accordingly, each student must comply with the rules of the University and the courses in which they have enrolled;
  2. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for knowing the entrance requirements of their specific courses;
  3. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for knowing all STU policies or procedures. A student’s lack of knowledge of an STU policy or methodology will not be accepted as grounds for a waiver or exemption from a policy;
  4. RESPECT the organizational and safety STANDARDS outlined in STU’s policies and procedures.
Academic Dishonesty

STU’s community is expected to maintain high personal standards of Academic Honesty and to uphold It in its activities. At STU, Academic Dishonesty is considered an act by which a student seeks to reap benefit from another individual’s intellectual or artistic work, uses materials unauthorized by STU, or fabricates information in any academic assignment. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Plagiarism: using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without attribution. It may also involve misrepresenting the sources that were used. The plagiarism issue applies to any job, including exams, papers, other writings, and IT, artistic, photographic, or video-related works.
  • Assisting or receiving assistance in any test or examination.
  • Impeding or damaging the academic work of another student.
  • Submitting material from books, internet sites, or articles without including bibliographic references or proper citations.
  • Editing or revising works for others or allowing one’s work to be edited or altered by others.
  • Submitting the same work in more than one course without all the instructors’ consent.
  • Acting as an accomplice to other students in any of the above acts.
  • Deliberate falsification of data or distortion of supporting documentation for coursework or other academic activity.
  • Copyright violations.

Each faculty member will promptly report cases of suspected academic dishonesty to the Academic Standards Committee. By so doing, an instructor does not relinquish the right to assign the student a grade consistent with the grading policy and academic dishonesty statement in the University Catalog.
After consultation with the instructor, the Academic Standards Committee may recommend that the instructor handle the situation solely as a classroom issue, that a letter of concern is sent to the student, and that the case be officially referred to the office so that formal hearing procedures can be initiated.
Any student referred to the Academic Standards Committee for academic misconduct is entitled to notice of charges being made against them and a full hearing. Both the student and teacher must document their allegations and refutations in writing and include supporting material (i.e., copies of the student’s work, copies of other materials used but not referenced in the student’s work, etc.) relevant to the case. If suspension or dismissal is recommended, the student is further entitled to an appeal procedure and will not be suspended or dismissed from the University while appeals are in process.
The Office of the Registrar has available a written statement of policy assuring fair consideration of students in cases of alleged academic dishonesty, specified hearing procedures, possible sanctions, and routes for appeal of decisions.

Privacy Regarding Students' Academic and Educational Records

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC § 1232g et seq. (FERPA), gives St. Thomas University (STU) students certain rights regarding their educational records. Educational records are directly related to a student and maintained by STU or a party acting for STU.
The term “educational documentation” does not include the following:
Records of a teaching, supervisory, administrative, and educational nature are kept by STU officials for personal use only.
Documentation of student employees.
Alumni documentation.
Student health, psychiatric, and counseling records concerning students’ treatment are maintained. Other health records laws may protect these records.
Students’ rights regarding educational documents include the following:
The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day STU receives an access request. The student must submit a written request to the Register identifying the documents the student wishes to inspect. The STU Register will make access arrangements and notify the student of the time and place the documents may be inspected.
The right to request amendment of student education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or violate the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask STU to amend a document must write to the STU official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the part of the document the student wishes to amend and specifying why it should be amended. If STU decides not to amend the document as requested, STU will inform the student in writing of the decision and their right to a hearing on the request for amendment. Further information about the hearing procedures will be provided to the student upon notification of the right to a hearing.
The right to provide written consent before STU discloses personally identifiable information in a student’s education records, except where FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
FERPA allows the disclosure of student education records to university officials with a legitimate educational interest in the records without requiring the student’s written consent. STU discloses academic records without the student’s prior written consent under this exception to FERPA requirements. A “school official” is a person employed by STU in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or staff support position (including law enforcement, personnel, and health care personnel); a person or company with whom STU has contracted as its agent to provide a service, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent; a person who serves on the Board of Trustees; or a student who serves on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or who assists another school official in performing their duties. A school official has a “legitimate educational interest” if they need to review an educational document to fulfill their professional responsibilities for STU.
FERPA allows disclosure of student education records without the student’s prior written consent to schools where the student intends to enroll or is already registered. STU will disclose school records without written approval under this exception to FERPA requirements upon request. STU will make a reasonable attempt to inform each student of these disclosures.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education regarding alleged failures by STU to comply with FERPA requirements.
Students can contact FERPA at:

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Family Policy Compliance Office – U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-5901

Directory information

FERPA allows the disclosure of “directory information” without the student’s written consent.
FERPA also allows students to request that their information not be disclosed. STU discloses “confidential information” without the specific prior consent of the student unless the student has requested that their confidential information not be disclosed by following the procedure described below.
For this purpose, directory information is defined as follows:

  • Last and First Name (including maiden and married name, if applicable).
  • Address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Main field of study.
  • Enrollment status (Bachelor or Master).

A student who does not want directory information released without their consent MUST explicitly state this in the enrollment document – Privacy section – www.sthomasuniversity.org