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Formal report cards are available on the student website at the end of each course. The grade reports indicate the approach taken, the credits received, and the grade assigned. If a student has not paid tuition and fees for a period, the rate will be withheld until payment. Faculty are required to post final grades within seven days of course completion.

St. Thomas University has established the following grading guidelines adhered to by the faculty.
STU uses the 4.00 scale to evaluate students’ academic performance, where 4.00 is the highest grade, and 0.00 is the lowest.
Before STU calculates grades using the 4.00 scale, the faculty member assigns letter grades on the 100-point scale based on each student’s performance in their class.

 Points/100Letter GradeGrade Point Average
Above Average86-89B+3.33
Below Average69-71C-1.67

A = Outstanding Achievement. The student demonstrates intellectual initiative in achieving course objectives through a high level of originality and creativity.
B = Excellent work. Student’s performance meets course objectives by demonstrating a good understanding of course material.
C = Average work. The student’s performance demonstrates average understanding and satisfactory achievement of course objectives.
D = Acceptable work. The student’s performance demonstrates acceptable performance in meeting course objectives.
F = Fail. The student’s performance could be better or below the minimum threshold of acceptability in meeting course objectives.
The following grades do not have a numerical equivalent and are not used in GPA calculations:
I = Incomplete. The grade assigned to the student who has been granted an extension to complete assignments. If the student completes the course, the “I” grade will be replaced with the grade earned, and the “I” grade will no longer be displayed on the student’s record.
P = Pass. The student has satisfactorily completed the course.
W = Withdrawn. The student has withdrawn from the course.
NC = No credit.

Please Note: D- is the minimum grade to pass a course; however, students are reminded that a GPA of 2.5 for undergraduate studies and 3.0 for Master’s courses must be maintained for course continuation.


The University uses the numerical value of a letter grade to compute the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA). Grade Value represents the numerical value associated with a letter grade.
The sum of all grade values earned for each class is called the GPA Points. The number of Grade Points earned in one course is determined by multiplying the Grade Value by the credit hours earned in the class.
For example, a grade of “A” in a 3.00 credit hour course will contribute 4.00 (grade value) x 3.00 (credit hours) = 12 Grade
Points to a student’s GPA. GPA Credit Hours is the sum of the credit hours for courses with a grade of “A” through “F.”

Please Note: The credit hours for courses in which a grade of “F” is earned will NOT be counted towards degree credit, but they are counted in the GPA calculation.

The GPA is the sum of the grade points for all courses divided by the total number of GPA Credit Hours for all courses attempted. Please refer below for a sample GPA calculation.

CourseCredit Hours
XLetter Grade
(Grade Value)
=Grade Points
 3 A (4) 12
 3 B (3) 9
 3 B (3) 9
 4 C (2) 8
TOTALS13   38


Grade Points CH attempted Grade Point Average

The letter grade for each course and the cumulative GPA appears on the university transcript.
Grades are reported to the registrar’s office and recorded at the end of each course.

  • At the end of each course, the lecturer sends and publishes each student’s grades.
  • Grades are available to students who have paid all fees and tuition due.
  • Students can view their course information, including grades, GPA, program information, and scheduled courses, online at register@sthomasuniversity.org.
  • Grades cannot be communicated to students by phone.
  • Student’s official transcript shows courses, grades, credits, and teaching dates for each course.
  • Credits earned are recorded on the transcript as assigned, and grading fees are paid.
  • The transcript shows only a summary of credits transferred by the institution.
  • The deadline for changing an incomplete grade is seven days from receipt of the student’s completed assignments Students must wait approximately two weeks to change their rates.
  • If a student repeats a course, only the grade and credit from the most recent repeat are used to calculate the total hours earned and cumulative grade point average. Still, the original quality and the repeated grade remain on the transcript, indicating that a particular course was repeated.
  • Transcripts will be issued only to students who have paid all tuition, fees, and fines.
  • Transcript request forms are available online.
  • The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 requires that all mailed transcript requests be submitted in writing and signed by the student.
  • Students can request official transcripts from the University website by following the directions for requesting a transcript.
  • The University cannot release transcripts received from other institutions. Copies of such transcripts must be requested from the originating institution.
  • All official transcripts sent to St. Thomas University become the property of the University and will not be returned to the student.
  • All student academic records must be retained, protected, and disposed of by local, state, and federal regulations.
  • All student information is maintained in the University’s computer system on paper and an electronic imaging system.

Students who dispute a grade received may contact the Dean of the School or designee, who will help them get the faculty member to discuss the grade dispute. The faculty member’s decision is final.
A grade dispute must be initiated within one week after the grade is posted. Grade disputes are not appealable outside the University.
The faculty member may only change student grades after grades are posted if the student initiates the formal grade challenge procedure or if the faculty member determines that the actual rate was improperly calculated.
Student grades represent the work and level of knowledge achieved during regularly scheduled course dates. Students may not submit work to increase their grades after the end of the course, as this grade would no longer reflect the level of proficiency achieved at the end period course.

Students must apply for graduation to obtain the degree. Once graduation requirements are completed, students can download the application form directly from the student section of the website. If, for some reason, the state cannot be downloaded;
the student should contact their academic representative to obtain a copy of the graduation application. Once the Registrar’s Office has received the graduation application and verified that the student has fulfilled their financial obligations to the University and that all academic requirements for graduation have been met, a diploma will be issued to the student. A transcript will be ordered and mailed.
St. Thomas University organizes graduation ceremonies in which undergraduate and graduate students who have completed all required credits for graduation and are in good standing can participate.
Graduation ceremonies are held at the learning centers of the University according to a schedule that will be posted on the University’s website.
When a student submits the graduation application form, they must indicate whether they intend to participate in the graduation ceremony and reserve their cap and gown for the ceremony. Students may only attend the graduation ceremony with a lid and dress.
The university recognizes as an online university that student physical participation in a graduation ceremony will be limited because of time, place, and cost – an online graduate ceremony will be arranged.
Diplomas are recorded on the student’s transcript every month. A student’s certificate is recorded on their transcript on the last day of the month after completing all graduation requirements. Graduation requirements are considered fulfilled when all credits are on the academic record. The date of completion of the student’s degree is recorded on the transcript, indicating that all academic graduation requirements have been metate.
Diplomas are ordered with the graduation registration date for all students who have completed degree requirements and paid all fees and tuition.
Diplomas are processed and mailed approximately two weeks after graduation.
Students ineligible for graduation are informed by their academic representative of their deficiencies.
Students who complete their degree with a grade point average of 3.85 or higher graduate with honors. The Honors designation will appear on the university diploma and permanent transcript.
The university will grant honorary degrees based on service to the university mission and academic initiatives.

The maintenance, retention, and disposition of documents relating to student educational records are governed by institutional
A listing of documents and disposition schedules filed in the Registrar’s Office includes:

  • The permanent academic records of students are retained indefinitely.
  • Applications for admission and–admission, transcripts issued by other institutions, military service documents, undergraduate admission evaluations, national testing results, program changes, and pertinent correspondence are retained for five years after the student’s last date of attendance.
  • University policy prohibits the reproduction of transcripts and similar documents issued by other educational institutions.