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St. Thomas University’s Business Administration degree is designed to develop the tools needed to enter and impact the business world. Special attention will be paid to the economic impact of environmental issues and sustainable development as a driver of policy and growth in the 21st century. In addition to the standard business courses, the St. Thomas University Bachelor of Business Administration degree includes lessons designed to develop systemic thinking and environmental awareness. Students will develop a foundation of sustainable knowledge in the business environment. To achieve this goal, the degree offers additional courses from other academic disciplines to promote interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving. Specific attention is paid to developing students’ analytical skills. The aim is to identify business problems and find innovative solutions. The curriculum is constructed to maintain an interaction between advanced theories and industry practices. After essential preparation, the student must choose a subject area for further study:

Major in Accounting
Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions about a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company’s operations, financial position, and cash flows.
Major in Finance
Finance majors will be prepared for careers in financial management and analysis, commercial and investment banking, financial institutions, financial markets, investments, portfolio analysis and management, financial planning, and multinational finance. Finance requires the analysis of financial data, forecasting outcomes, determining the time value of money, integrating capital budgeting, and developing and interpreting financial statements.
Major in Management
Management’s heart is understanding planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational processes.
Today’s business environment requires managers who can effectively assess situations to develop plans and guide organizations through them. This degree program requires courses in the critical areas of financial decisionmaking, managerial accounting, organizational behavior, and servant leadership. Graduate with this concentration will be prepared for positions in mid-and upper-management, including heads of department, director, operations managers, and general managers.
Major in Marketing
Marketing emphasizes the branding and promotion of products and services to the public, targeted through specific demographics. Marketing touches many areas so that students will be well-versed in advertising, communications, consumer behavior, public relations, marketing strategy, and reset business law, management, economics, finance, computer science, mathematics, and statistics.
Major in International Business
International business is an interdisciplinary program that combines courses in economics, business, international law, foreign languages, and other areas to ensure that students are adequately prepared for positions in global companies, banks, government agencies, and others. Major in Digital Economy The digital economy refers to the economic output generated by the billions of online connections made daily between people, devices, and businesses, largely due to mobile technology, the “Internet of Things” (IoT), and big data. The digital economy integrates the digital sector and includes the application of economic segments known here as the digitized economy.
Green Business Management
Green business management trains professionals to work in all types of organizations but provides further specialization in green or greening operations. In today’s world, green business management prepares managers and their companies to reassess business models in relation to the economy, social relations, and the environment.
Educational objectives and methodology
The program aims to develop a multidisciplinary, international, multi-comprehensive, and comparative business and management curriculum. Students’ experiences are enriched by exposure to the cultural, historical, social, and linguistic aspects of critical actors for professional success, fostered by the international community at St. Thomas University. Future managers and business leaders will be expected to understand the economy, society, and culture of the geographical areas currently regarded as significant players in the world regarding economic, cultural, and social openings, such as North America, Asia, and Europe.
Job opportunities
St. Thomas University’s Business Administration graduates will have developed the tools and experience needed to succeed as entrepreneurs and managers. The managerial skills acquired in this program can be applied to various companies.
Curricular program

Students must satisfy the following degree requirements:

    Humanities and Fine Arts
    ENG/110 – English Composition III
    ENG/390 – Public Speaking
    One course in English Literature

    Social and Behavioral Sciences/Business
    LAW/100 – International Law
    SOC/300 – Sociology of Media and Communication

    Mathematics, Natural Science and Computer Science
    COM/105 – Introduction to Computer Science
    One course in Mathematics
    One course in Natural Science

    Writing Intensive
    ENG/210 – English for Business Studies (W)

    Global Perspectives/Diversity
    POL/200 – Global Poverty and International Responsibility (G)

    BUS/110 – Introduction to Business
    BUS/140 – Introduction to Accounting
    BUS/220 – Principles of Sustainable Management
    BUS/230 – Green Business Strategy
    BUS/240 – Human Resources Management
    BUS/270 – Principles of Marketing
    BUS/350 – Business Strategies
    BUS/460 – Operations Management
    BUS/470 – Global Risk Management
    ECO/150 – Microeconomics: The Principles of Human Action
    ECO/160 – Macroeconomics: Theory
    LAW/200 – Business Law and Ethics
    MAT/150 – Foundations of Probability and Statistics
    MAT/240 – Financial Mathematics
    BUS/495 – Senior Project (6 CH)
  3. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (18 CH) Students must select one of the following concentration areas:
    BUS/200 – Financial Accounting
    BUS/380 – Public Accounting
    BUS/390 – Business Analysis and Valuation
    BUS/410 – Financial Reporting and Strategic Cost Analysis
    BUS/415 – International Accounting and Reporting
    ECO/390 – Managerial Accounting

    BUS/250 – Principles of Finance
    BUS/480 – Capital Markets and Risk Management
    ECO/310 – Corporate Finance
    ECO/330 – Public Finance
    ECO/340 – Entrepreneurial Finance
    ECO/370 – International Finance

    BUS/420 – Knowledge and Information Management
    BUS/425 – Production Innovation and Technology Management
    BUS/435 – Strategic Business Management in an International Context
    BUS/450 – Management and Entrepreneurship
    BUS/455 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior
    BUS/465 – Supply Chain Management

    BUS/290 – Promotion and Advertising
    BUS/310 – Consumer Behavior
    BUS/320 – Marketing Research Methods
    BUS/340 – E-Business in the Digital Age
    BUS/370 – Services Marketing
    BUS/440 – Corporate Strategies for Environmental and Social Responsibility

    International Business
    BUS/360 – International Business and Global Economics
    BUS/435 – Strategic Business Management in an International Context
    BUS/445 – Financial Markets and Institutions
    BUS/475 – Cross-cultural Human Resources Management
    BUS/485 – International Marketing Organization
    ECO/370 – International Finance

    Digital Economy
    BUS/280 – Business Management and Digital Applications
    BUS/405 – International Trade and Finance
    COM/180 – Data Analytics for Economics and Business
    ECO/410 – Economics of Innovation
    LAW/350 – Public Law and Labor Protection in the Digital Age
    MAT/210 – Statistics and Machine Learning

    Green Business Management
    BUS/440 – Corporate Strategies for Environmental and Social Responsibility
    ECO/270 – Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
    ECO/280 – Natural Resources Management
    ECO/320 – Global Economy
    ECO/390 – Managerial Accounting
    ECO/410 – Economics of Innovation

  4. GENERAL ELECTIVES: it is sufficient to complete an overall total of 120 credits