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The student can make payments by check, credit or debit card, or by bank transfer in the manner specified below:

  1. By mail: the student can send a check, certified check, or money order to the following address:
    Post Office Box 1089
    West End, North Carolina 27376, USA
  2. By credit or debit card: if the student has completed the debit authorization form, the tuition and mandatory fees will be charged to that card. Payments must be made through our website. Click here to make a secure online payment.
    Please Note: Automatic payments are set up before each course upon request. The University is not responsible for charges or penalties incurred for paying with a debit card or other restrictive payment cards. Students should contact their financial institution for account balances, daily transaction limits, and other restrictions.
  3. By direct bank transfer. The transfer must also contain the student’s full name and date of birth.

To ensure the payment has been correctly processed, the student must send a copy of the payment form and the following information or an email to bursar@sthomasuniversity.org.
Routing number ACH and wire: 084009519
Bank Account number: 9600004967528626
Wise Bank 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor New York NY 10010 United States

Please Note: STU must receive the amount in full. The student bears the costs charged by the bank for making the transfer.