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A student who wishes to enroll in a degree seeking program must send the following documents:

    1. Application form: must be filled out in its entirety using the online application form. At the top of the page or below are links to the online application form for degree seeking students.
    2. Official transcripts: Student must send official transcripts of all secondary and post-secondary education up to the date of application to: admissions@sthomasuniversity.org. All non-U.S. transcripts must be accompanied by a credential evaluation from IEE, Span Tran, WES or another AACRAO approved accredited evaluation company. Third party evaluations must include:
      • Course by Course evaluation,
      • Grade Point Average (GPA) as compared with U.S. grading system,
      • U.S. equivalent of degree,
      • Copy of transcript(s),
      • Accreditation of institution(s)

Third party evaluations must include the transcript attached to the report.
In any case, the student must submit the original or a certified copy of their academic records.

  1. Copy of an identity document: must be an official government-issued and valid document.

Documents should be sent by e-mail with the subject line indicating the name of the applicate and in the body of the email repeating the name of the applicant and a list or description of the documents that are attached to the email. After the email is sent, mail a copy of the original documents to to the address below:

ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY – Admissions Office
Post Office Box 1089
West End, North Carolina 27376

Documents must all be in English. For original documents in another language, these must be translated by the U.S. Consulate in the country where the student resides.

Students wishing to enroll in a certificate program should complete the online application below.


Students unable to submit the Online Application forms should contact admissions@sthomasuniverity.org for assistance